Interconnection of the Caper E-Motion System as a Guarantee of Protection of Women's and Children's Rights After Divorce in the Religious Courts of Bengkulu, Indonesia
AsroriAsrori1*, Naqiyah Mukhtar2, Mufliha Wijayati3, Aicha el-Hajjami4
1) Religious Court of Bengkulu, Indonesia
2) State Islamic University Prof. KH. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, Indonesia
3) State Islamic Institute of Metro, Indonesia
4) University Al-Qadhi Iyyadh of Marrakesh, Maroko
Abstract:This article examines the form of guaranteeing the protection of women's and children'srights after divorce by implementing an application called E-Mosi Caper, namely ElectronicMonitoring of the Execution of Financing the Rights of Women and Children after Divorce which isimplemented at the Bengkulu Religious Court as a follow-up to the memorandum of agreementbetween the Religious Courts. Bengkulu with the Bengkulu Bank and the Bengkulu City Governmentbecause the ex-husband did not voluntarily implement the decision of the Bengkulu Religious Courtregarding these rights, while the ex-wife, due to several obstacles, did not submit an attempt toexecute the rights regarding herself and her children. This paper uses a mixed method with anormative juridical and empirical juridical approach. The object of this research is the decision of theBengkulu Religious Court which has permanent legal force. The primary data sources for thisresearch are the litigants and Bengkulu Religious Court officials. Data collection techniques throughobservation, interviews and documentation. Inductive data analysis using Maqashid as-Shari'ahtheory. The results of the analysis include cases that were decided in 2013, one of the cases wasdivorce divorce by a husband who worked as an ASN in Bengkulu Province, the ex-wife used thisapplication in February 2023, the result was that as of April 2023, the ex-husband's account wasdebited in the amount of Rp. 1,000,000/month for his children through his ex-wife's account. The EMosi Caper application implemented by the Bengkulu Religious Court is an effort to provide excellentservice to justice seekers.
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